Practical information > Submit an abstract

Abstract submission opening date: 01/05/2022 - closing date: 15/06/2022

Go to My space > My repositories and click on "Submit an abstract".

You must complete and check 4 steps.

1/ Metadata stage

Fill in at least all the mandatory information marked with an *.

2/ Author(s) step

This part allows you to fill in the authors of your submission.

You can fill in as many authors as you wish by clicking on "Fill in an author".

3/ File(s) step

This step allows you to upload the pdf file of the abstract.

-> Do not forget to click on the "Upload" button. The file should appear at the bottom, under FILE.

4/ Summary stage

This last step allows you to view your submission (all the metadata entered and the file containing the summary). If you wish to return to your submission, click on the previous steps, otherwise click on "Submit".


Here is a summary of the different statuses of your deposit :

  • Initial: indicates that your submission has not yet been reviewed by the reviewers. No action has yet been taken by the congress administrators; you can still modify your submission.
  • Reviewed: your submission has been evaluated but the coordinator (the chair of the scientific committee) has not yet decided what to do with your submission. Your submission cannot be modified.
  • Waiting for modification: the site administrators are waiting for a modification from you.
  • Accepted: your submission has been accepted and cannot be modified.
  • Rejected: your deposit has been rejected.


Modifying your submission

You can no longer edit submissions that have been accepted (green), rejected (red) or reviewed (white).

However, if your deposit has the status "Initial", you can go to the "My Deposits" menu and click on the small pencil to the right of your deposit in order to make changes.

Similarly, if the status is "Awaiting modification", simply click on the pencil to modify your deposit.


If there are any changes to be made to your submission, you will receive an email with the reviewers' comments.

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