
Adisseo is one of the world’s leading experts in feed additives. The group relies on its 8 research centers and its production sites based in Europe, USA, China and Thailand to design, produce and market nutritional solutions for sustainable animal feed. With more than 2,520 employees, it serves around 3,900 customers in over 110 different countries through its global distribution network. From the crop to the feed, mycotoxin production is a cumulative process. It is controlled by several factors, the most important being climatic conditions and the agronomic practices during crop growth. However, each mycotoxin has its own model of development, meaning that every year the crops are contaminated differently, both in terms of quantity and mycotoxin type. The risk is therefore ever-present, and ever-changing. A holistic approach is needed to identify the risk and adopt the best strategy. Customers across the globe have been successfully working with our mycotoxin management program for decades. We offer you an integral approach by going through all the steps of the chain. Our MycoMan range of services allows to identify your risks – from the raw materials to the animals. Our solutions Unike® Plus, Toxy-Nil® Plus and Toxy-Nil® are protecting animal. Providing cost effective to a maximal protection, against a broad spectrum of mycotoxin.
LIBIOS, is a French biotechnology company, established in 2006 by Boutros KERBAJE. Specialized company in the development, production, marketing and distribution of kits and reagents for quality, safety and traceability in the food/feed, environmental and bioanalysis sectors. Our focus was always been on helping customers find appropriate technical solutions to ensure safe food for the world’s growing population, and we frequently offer our two cents in numerous technical committees. Thanks to our state-of-the-art laboratory and highly skilled technical team, LIBIOS is able to continuously innovate. Our novel instruments, such as the UPLC MS/MS system, enable us to be an ultra-efficient lab. Today, we have released up to 20 13C mycotoxins fully labelled. Our expertise in production, extraction and measurement of certified 13C stable isotope internal standards guarantees the food safety lab network reliable and safe function, compliant at national, European and international levels. Discovery of new food safety hazards and progress in science and technology demands better analytical approaches. As mentioned above, at LIBIOS we centre our efforts on innovation to deliver to such demands. We offer the industry practical solutions that ensure continuous improvement of analytical capabilities, which guarantees safe food for all.
Le CIRM-CF : un Centre de Ressources Biologiques dédié à la préservation des champignons filamenteux d'intérêts agro-industriels et à leur valorisation. Le CIRM-CF (Centre International de Ressources Microbiennes - Champignons Filamenteux) est un CRB dédié aux champignons filamenteux (principalement basidiomycètes et ascomycètes) impliqués dans la transformation des biomasses végétales. Les souches fongiques proposées proviennent de biotopes uniques (forêt tempérée, tropicale, site agro-industriel pollué...). Visant un haut niveau de qualité, les collections et les services du CIRM-CF sont certifiées ISO 9001 depuis 2006, pour l'acquisition, l'authentification, la conservation, la diffusion et le criblage fonctionnel de ressources fongiques. Le CIRM-CF héberge en particulier une collection de plus de 300 souches de Fusarium toxinogènes, constituée par l’Unité MycSA d’INRAE (Villenave-d’Ornon).
"DSM provides innovative, science-based products and services that are essential for health, welfare and sustainability in animal production. DSM is the world leader in premixes and produces its own additives such as vitamins, enzymes, carotenoids and mycotoxin deactivators. With a growing demand for sustainable, safe, high quality and affordable animal proteins, we help the industry to move towards an environmentally friendly future to meet this complex challenge. We offer the industry a broad portfolio of products, solutions and services, supporting all stages of production. DSM is developing a range of analytical products and services to protect and detect mycotoxin contamination in feed materials, as well as a mycotoxin prevalence prediction tool, based on various algorithms to help grain producers, buyers and users make the right purchasing, quality control and crop management decisions."
R-Biopharm is a dynamic company producing diagnostic reagents for the clinical and food sectors. R-Biopharm offers tools for applications ranging from simple immuno-chromatographic strips to complex protein chips using ELISA and PCR technologies. The know-how of our experts allows us to develop reliable analytical solutions with robust technical and scientific support. The support in the implementation of our tests and the implementation of complete solutions (automation, small equipment etc.) are major challenges for our field teams. Visit our website to participate in our video conferences on key and current topics, download our food and clinical product brochures and booklets and watch our videos on our R-Biotube channel. In food diagnostics, R-Biopharm is currently a key player in allergen, mycotoxin and enzyme analysis.
Toxins is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal which provides an advanced forum for studies related to toxinology and all kinds of toxins (biotoxins) from animals, microbes and plants. Toxins is published monthly online by MDPI. The French Society on Toxinology (SFET), International Society for Mycotoxicology (ISM), Japanese Society of Mycotoxicology (JSMYCO) and European Uremic Toxins (EUTox) Work Group are affiliated with Toxins and their members receive a discount on the article processing charges.
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